Regain your self-certainty thanks to modern orthodontics!

Orthodontics is aimed not only at the reconstruction of a perfect smile, but also the improvement of the looks of the face as well as the acquisition of the optimum function of the chewing organ.
What does orthodontic treatment look like?
One of two types of devices may be used: a permanent one and a removable one.
The first is permanently fixed to the teeth (one arch or two). The advantage of this type of device is that the force it exerts is constant over the entire course of treatment. One can pick out of several types of locks that adhere to the teeth directly: metal ones that also provide the option of using various coloured rubber pieces holding the arch, or aesthetic (white or transparent) – ceramic ones. The latter are less visible.
The second type of apparatus is a removable device. The patient puts it on and removes it by themselves. It is most commonly used to treat shortcomings of the bite in children and youths. The efficiency of treatment using this type of device depends on the patient’s discipline and strict adherence to the physician’s recommendations.